Sunday, February 19, 2012

~Keep me in right track YA ALLAH~


I just wondering while i'm iron my attires just few hours ago..
They are some kind of people or we can called it a bunch of non-believers that always argue about our obligation as muslim and muslimah in this world..

Frankly speaking, i'm live in a country that called as "Islamic Country"
although actually we're not because some kind of issues
such as HUDUD cannot applied in this country.
What ever it's i felt so bad because they a people
or might i called them as unknown group think they are right
and want to argue about our obligations.
For example, the 5 pillar in Islam
one of them is "Praying" or in arabic we called it "Solah"

I'm not saying they are stupid but if u happen to counter this kind of situation
what might u say??!
Clueless right
so i give u example

Subuh prayer times around 6.30am and i were at airport
because i wanna catch the earliest flight at 7.30am.
I travel with non-muslim colleagues
thus i need to remind them that i need to take prayer before it's too late..
so while they took breakfast bout 6.40am
i said to them i wanna to pray first..
and guess what the HR said to me :


What type of question that he said to me exactly..
It's like he try to joke about my obligation to pray..
That time i just like to hit his head with a big stone and slap his face.
It's total ridiculous when someone question about ur religion obligation..i
t also applied to other religion also..We must respect others religion.
Always remind that Islam is the religion that we should follow because it's PERFECT!!

In fact, during the departure time both of
non-muslim colleagues might missed the flight because they still eat at food court..
But i'm not so cruel and still contact them to catch the flight during last call..
u can see from that Allah always bless me because i follow her order without hesitation
(i'm not praise myself here ok..dun get confused)

Another situation is while we're waiting to fetch one colleagues from the Kuah's Jetty..
While i told that i wanna pray..
He automatically said the time too short to take prayer..
what the big deals??
I just ignored and go to surau..
Although ur position higher than me
but when it's come to my compulsory obligation
i'll not follow ur order because
u're not d one that i shud afraid of..
And i have THE ONE that cannot compare to human beings
which is our creator

Actually there are many story
but i dun want to write because
when i write more i felt heartbroken..
So the conclusion is u must keep ur heart and mind to ALLAH
all the times because only HIM that we should come and go back..
May ALLAH keep our heart as purify as Islam religion..


P/s:"(Mereka berdoa), Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau jadikan hati kami condong kepada kesesatan sesudah Engkau beri petunjuk. Kepada kami, dan kurniakanlah kepada kami rahmat dari sisi Engkau, kerana sesungguhnya Engkaulah Maha Pemberi (kurnia)"...(ali imran:8)