Sunday, August 26, 2012

Obstacles:A challenge to become a better Muslim/Muslimah


Hopefully everyone is fine and in good health and condition.Alhamdulillah we already went through a month of bless,a month with full of barakah which is Ramadhan Kareem.

Now we entering the Syawal.As for me i'm still not starting "puasa enam"..yeahh im fight with my energy and body to have a good starting point to fast during this month.Hopefully i can manage to fast before Syawal's end.InsyaAllah (as this entry keep in my draft too long alhamdulillah today i finish puasa 6 and now already turn to month of Zulhijjah)

Lately i lil bit of tym spending myself online coz i think i have no obsession towards a "fake life" anymore.I need a real life,a real life that you can spend a quality of time with your beloved one either your parents,family,friends or etc.However, i dun said that being online is totally wrong.It can be beneficial when we use it wisely such as knowing that ur frens will be married soon, A got a baby,B got engaged and etc ( why my example always surrounding with marriage?pardon me)

Actually the reason why i wrote this entry in this lovely saturday evening just because i want to share some thought after a very tragic episode happen to my best friends life.And of coz the identity will remain unknown.

Hmmm how to start??lemmee pause awhile..

This is a story about relationship.Yup a common relationship between boy & girl, man & woman that either we like it or not western called it as "couple".Actually couple is haram if both a still unmarried.

To make it short,my fren of my relationship are thru online,no meeting face to face like a real relationship.The best part is when the guy propose to marry her after doing a consistent isthikarah (pious type la ni).Thus,the girl do the same and after about one month she felt confident to say yes to that man.Then their relationship goes normal.However,in between time something happen.He even don't tell the gurl that actually his family already arrange a marriage to another girl in first place.He give false hope to her that now she trully fall in love to him and its ended like that.Very tragic story.

Thus moral of this story,don't give a false hope or in malay we called it "janji kosong" aka "cakap tak serupa bikin" to the one that love you.I admit i also made the same mistake before but i hope that the person will forgive me.If you cannot forgive me just pray for my happiness is enough.

To my dear fren,breaking up is painful but in positive perspective its give you challenge to be better muslim.Trust me because i also encounter this situation before. Rahmat from Allah is everywhere just we servant don't always look,seek and pray for Him.

P/s:i still learning and istiqamah to be a better muslim.Pray for me.Aamiinn

Monday, August 13, 2012

::Yang ditutup dan menutup::


Apa khabar duhai pembaca sekalian? ( gaya mcm ada je yg baca blog ni..hehe).Diharapkan semuanya berada dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera.Ramadhan semakin meninggalkan kita.Malam ni sudah masuk masuk ke 26 ramadhan.Ayuh mari sama2 buat pecutan terakhir sebelum ramadhan pergi meninggalkan kita begitu saja.

Ptg td sebelum berbuka sempat membelek fb..hati tetiba hati rasa tersentuh dgn satu iklan tentang menutup aurat kaki.Biar aku ceritakan kisah tentang diri aku sendiri.Bukan mahu menuding jari kepada sesiapa sbb kita manusia tidak sempurna bukan bersifat maksum seperti nabi dan rasul utusan Allah.

Kisahnya bermula apabila aku pulang dr mengerjakan umrah pada usia 17 tahun (lepas spm 2004).Memandangkan sudah menjejakkan kaki ke tanah suci ibu selalu berpesan supaya menjaga aurat.Kalau boleh biar menutup aurat secara menyeluruh bukan separuh-separuh.Maksudnya pakai baju yang longgar dan labuh,tudung jgn singkat dan pakai stoking kaki.

Kaalu setakat pakai bju longgar dan labuh (xde la ak ni alim pakai bju labuh betul..ak ni biasa2 je) mmg dr kecik ibu dah biasa pakai bju size laki besar gedabak tak padan dgn badan yg kecik.Tapi satu perkara je susah nak ikut iaitu pakai stoking kaki.

Tym tu ak salu memberontak.Tak best lgsg pakai sandal pastu pakai stoking,panas dan tak nmpak cool lgsg pakai stoking.Rasa kolot giler tgk pmpn pakai stoking ngn sandal ke heels ke mmg no no no laa.macam tak kena gaya je rasa.Owh maafkan hambaMu ni ya Allah.sgguh jahil aku waktu itu.

Disebabkan nak menjaga hati ibu dan tak nak bg ibu membebel lebih lama aku pun usaha la pakai stoking kalau kuar dgn ibu kt umah.haha tp bila kat matrix dan universiti ak pkai on and off stoking.ikut mood ak la nak pkai ke x.langsung tak istiqamah.

Situasi ni berlanjutan smpai la ak dah stat keja masih lg jap pkai jap x pkai stoking.wajib pkai stoking kalau pkai kasut bertutup.kalau sandal ke heels ke mmg susah nak pkai stoking.Aku sendiri tak sedar bila ak berubah tp taun lepas ataupun awal tahun ni ak ada buat entry pasal istiqamah.Start dr mimpi2 ngeri ak tu ak berfikir sejenak dan sedar ak kena berubah menjadi seorang muslimah yg sempurna.Terima kasih jgak kepada org terdekat yg menyedarkan ak dr lena yg panjang ttg pentingnya menjaga aurat.

Alhamdulillah, bila tetiba satu hari tu blk umah dan ckp kt ibu tlg buatkan sarung lengan mcm2 kaler sama mcm ibu pakai.Ibu peluk aku kuat2.Ibu ckp tak sangka kakak da byk berubah..pheww mcm selama ni ak jahat sgt je..

Syukurlah doa aku untuk konsisten pakai sarung tangan dan stoking sudah termakbul.Sekarang ni walau apa jd sekalipun dua bnda ni wajib dipakai sebelum ak keluar dr rumah.Mungkin sudah menjadi kelaziman kalau tak pakai stoking dan sarung lengan terasa mcm janggal je.Rasa mcm tak lengkap berpakaian.

Moga diri ini terus istiqamah dalam mencari redha Ilahi.Sebelum akhir kata,lihat sejenak poster ttg aurat kaki bg perempuan..renung-renungkan..Wallahu'alam

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Life is like a circle


Alhamdulillah, either we aware or not tonight we are entering to 21th of ramadhan.I'm too bad not wish inside my blog about ramadhan earlier.Hopefully all ours ibadah already accepted by Allah s.w.t

In realization of the age of 25 diz coming december,i keep thinking about what already happen and what will happen in my future life. I actually don't why i always thinking about that although i have a lot of stuff and matter more important to entertain to.Maybe i was entering a phase to be a mature person (hopefully)

Back to my childhood life, i always wondering why it's took longer time to be a mature adult.I wanna have job,drve dream car and own a beautiful house.

However,that dream only stayed for a short period of time.As i grew older,life keep changing and i realized that what i want during my childhood time doesn't matter anymore.Frankly speaking, it's difficult when u're phasing from being dependent girl to ayah & ibu later to be an independent woman that will make all decision by ur own.

In life, sometimes u're happy, other times u're hurt, then u go for it, sometimes u move on,again u satisfied and unsatisfied..All those feelings and experiences are valuable coz not all ppl will undergo thru experiences and learnt from hard way is better than heard a dramatic story of others..

Alhamdulillah, in my life up until now i experienced a lot and i as a muslimah will continue learning from the surrounding and ppl's life experience.i believe Allah already stored a priceless solution or in layman term called "hikmah" for every single thing happen in our live.just have faith and believe it!!

So,peeps let together we become a better ummah..lets doa for everyone we love, praying Allah always in our heart and soul every single minutes..Aamiin

p/s:it's too hard to be grateful and say Alhamdulillah in wteva we got every day?? Maka nikmat tuhan yg mana satu kamu dustakan (as reminder for myself)