p/s: miracle can happen..just believe in God so u don't worry in ur life!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Regarding the missin' shoes..It's back!!Yeah
p/s: miracle can happen..just believe in God so u don't worry in ur life!!
Posted by hazwani at 2:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: Happiness
Saturday, October 24, 2009
An event that need to be remembered (^^)
Hmm..finally i had a weekend but not totally weekend. Instead of doing leisure activities i struggling to finish four assignment before this becomin' tuesday!!!Arggghhhhhhh so stress now..Exam just one more week to go but still i don't have time to revise..God plz help me!!
To release tension, here comes the unforgettable events:-
Posted by hazwani at 6:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Friends, hang out, hobby, student life
Friday, October 23, 2009
The missin' Nike's shoes..
To me it's really disturbin my feeling on dat day..How cud my fav shoes missin??If sumbody want to borrow it juz tell me n i can lend it to u..But in diz case it is missin not my fault of misplaced it..Yesterday i wore it and now it really gone.I'm still searching evrywhere and pray that 1 day the thief will give back my shoes..Huhu
p/s:ade hikmah kot kasut tu hilang..Mybe pasni dpt kasut yg lg mahal (tp perasaan terkilan still ade sbb tu one of my fav shoes)
Posted by hazwani at 6:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Musibah
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
It always happen when i'm feel lonely..Napela aku kna duk kt kuantan ni yg segala bnda xsesuai utk ak???
HuHU...ibu ayah tlg kakak..Tp ibu slalu pesan "Sabarla kakak dh xlama duk sana..lg 2 tahun je".Oh my God!!2 years for me just like 20 years already..
This is my dream..hopefully mom give me a car (keta kancil pn jd la) on my becomin' birthday..huhu really pray for it!!!
Posted by hazwani at 10:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: student life, talk to myself
Report..report and report
Br Saiful aasignment
Dr Su assignment
Observation report Cik Blaqis
Practical hearing aids report
Dr Mastura case study
Arrrgghhhhhhhhhhhh..all of sudden works burden me..I'm like burning myself!!!!!!!!
Posted by hazwani at 6:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: student life
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Endless month~

Posted by hazwani at 6:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: student life
Sunday, October 4, 2009
A very long tedious week begins~
Sat (3th Oct 2009)
8am-12pm: Learning process & special needs class (enjoyed d class although some topic might be boring)
4pm: Meeting with central for medical exhibition(MEDEX)
5pm-7pm:Netball class (tired already. legs cramp & hand ache)
8pm-10pm: Goin' out with Suna, Izza, Jaezah,Dayah, Aisya & Yati (yummy2x mkn steamboat)
Sun (4th Oct 2009)
8am-12pm:Netball class continued (very tough part. I need to use all techniques to catch the ball)
12.30pm-2pm: Goin' with Amnah & Kak Syafiah to wedding of brother of amnah fren (Syaz)
5pm-7pm: Again netball class. Late until 7.15pm + cant go inside my room cause i don't bring my room key..Huwaaa
Mon (5th Oct 2009)
9am-12pm: Here come the scary part. Hearing screening at Wisma Sri Pahang (still study for the clinic during diz moment)
12.30pm-1.30pm:Meet Br. Saiful to discuss bout replacement class
3.oopm-4.30pm: Go to Mydin to buy things for MEDEX & I-Quest
6.30pm-7.00pm:Meeting with member of aud bout the MEDEX & I-Quest
Tue (6th Oct 2009)
10am-11am:Meet sis Efa to settle bout equipment to bring for MEDEX. As well as go to ENT clinic to inform the driver of mobile clinic bout the schedule for this wknd.
11.45am-2.30pm: Arrived at Wisma Sri Pahang at start hearing screening
4pm-7pm:Accompany nik amnah to Kemaman (amik bju die yg tertinggal).Hmm sempat buka pose dlm keta
7.15pm: Arrived at Kuantan
8pm-10pm:Nik belanja mkn..yea2x..pizza plak tu.hehe.thanks nik =p
Wed (7th Oct 2009)
9am-12.30pm:Vestibular assessment class
5pm-7pm:Netball class
8.30pm-10.30pm:Aud amplification class
Thus (8th Oct 2009)
9am-12pm:Paediatric aud class
2pm:Appointment with optometrist (getting a new specs)
3pm:Subject for senior research (doing ABR)
5pm-7pm: Again netball class
8.10pm:Break fast with suna & jae at celup..hahaha (kenyang)
8.45pm-9.15pm: Sumthin happen..kak wardah's car couldn't started..ade plak insiden tolak menolak keta tym ni (thanks to classmates yg supportive).Btw, suna hampir eksiden gara2 dpt cal dr izza nk btau location dorg..Sabar byk2 suna (keta bru kot..huhu)
9.30pm-2.00pm: Final task and preparation for MEDEX.Walaupun kami suma penat tp kami enjoy doin' the task.Thanks to everyone yg involved even ade 2 manusia tu sedap gler tdo lgsg xhulurkan pertolongan..Haha jaga la next week dorg tu (ayat nk revenge)
Fri (9th Oct 2009)
10.30am-12.30pm:Research methodolgy class
5.30pm: Go to UIA Gombak for MEDEX
Posted by hazwani at 3:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: food, Friends, student life