Thursday, November 26, 2009

Selamat Hari raya korban..

Pejam celik pejam celik cpt je raya lg.huhu..taun ni seperti biasa raya di rumah.Tiada kesempatan tuk kami sekeluarga blk ke kg.Huhu..sepupuku di kg saje buat ayat2 iri hati.Mlm ni dorg nk buat bbq (arrghhh..jeles di situ).

Xpe2 ade kesempatan kami di sini pn nk buat bbq jgak..Tggu ayah n adik mohd pulang dr Kajang ptg ni bersama2 dgn daging korban.Yeah..boleh buat beef stik yg sedap..Hmm arini menu laksa, ketupat daun palas n rendang.My fav laksa wajib ade.Ingt nk buat spagethi tp last minute tukar plan buat laksa.. kakngah yg still berada di skull.Kami di sini nk ucapkan selamt hari raya korban.xpe kakngah SPM lg pnting dr raya.Pengirbanan kakngah lg besar tuk hadapi SPM tuh.InsyaAllah kak ngah akan berjaya mendapat keputusan yg cemerlang sekaligus memintas pencapaian SPM kakak (kami di sini berdoa sgt2 )

p/s:ibu ckp berkorban belajar itu on satu pengorbanan..sudah semestinya =p

Monday, November 2, 2009

......ExAM mOdE......

In the name of ALLAH the Most Merciful..Here come the examination timetable for this semester 1 session 2009/2010

4/11/09 :Research methdology
6/11/09 :Auditory electrophysiology & vestibular assessment
11/11/09:Learning process & special needs
13/11/09:Auditory amplification
15/11/09:Paediatric audiology
18/11/09:Clinical exam
19/11/09:Practical exam

p/s: Ya Allah permudahkanlah bagiku jalan menuju kejayaan..Amin

Miss u mom..

Hehe..ibu sekarang dh pndai guna ym & emel..Cuma skrg kakak plak xsmpat nk chat ngn ibu..Bkn ape if buka lptop dpn buku smbil surf internet sure xjd keje kakak nk stdy.Hehe..easy to overdistracted!!Hmm..kat bawah ni one of emel yg ibu antar..ade yg ka.Huhu kakak tau ibu sentiasa sygkan kakak..Kakak pn cmtu jgak..Miss u like crazy mom...

sayang anakku
Norshamsiah Khalid
View Contact

salam ,anakku apa khabar, ibu hrp chat selalu ...kena jga kesihatan tau sbb dh dekat nk exam. ok bye...sayang selalu dr ibu

salah satu emel ibu..hehe comey ade background pokok =)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Regarding the missin' shoes..It's back!!Yeah

Alhamdulilah..after several days of mourning my missin' shoes yesterday evening I found it at the shoes ark of my friends.. I don't want to point anybody due to it missing..but i just felt relieved it came back to luvly shoes!!

p/s: miracle can happen..just believe in God so u don't worry in ur life!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

An event that need to be remembered (^^)

Hmm..finally i had a weekend but not totally weekend. Instead of doing leisure activities i struggling to finish four assignment before this becomin' tuesday!!!Arggghhhhhhh so stress now..Exam just one more week to go but still i don't have time to revise..God plz help me!!

To release tension, here comes the unforgettable events:-

Haha..1st time trying archery..a bit hard

My new obsession..kayaking

Forum: "Transformasi mahasiswa ke arah kemajuan negara"

Hearing screening @IIUM Kuantan

Tayar bas pancit on da way balik ke kuantan..

Hang out with my BFF (Zawani)..almost 3 years we didn't meet

Medical Exhibiton' 09 (MEDEX)

Friday, October 23, 2009

The missin' Nike's shoes..

What u feel when u wake up in the morning & juz realized that ur fav shoes missing on ur shoes rack??

To me it's really disturbin my feeling on dat day..How cud my fav shoes missin??If sumbody want to borrow it juz tell me n i can lend it to u..But in diz case it is missin not my fault of misplaced it..Yesterday i wore it and now it really gone.I'm still searching evrywhere and pray that 1 day the thief will give back my shoes..Huhu

I miss my Nike's shoes ='(

p/s:ade hikmah kot kasut tu hilang..Mybe pasni dpt kasut yg lg mahal (tp perasaan terkilan still ade sbb tu one of my fav shoes)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


It always happen when i'm feel lonely..Napela aku kna duk kt kuantan ni yg segala bnda xsesuai utk ak???

HuHU...ibu ayah tlg kakak..Tp ibu slalu pesan "Sabarla kakak dh xlama duk sana..lg 2 tahun je".Oh my God!!2 years for me just like 20 years already..

This is my dream..hopefully mom give me a car (keta kancil pn jd la) on my becomin' birthday..huhu really pray for it!!! and report

Dr Aidil assignment
Br Saiful aasignment
Dr Su assignment
Observation report Cik Blaqis
Practical hearing aids report
Dr Mastura case study

Arrrgghhhhhhhhhhhh..all of sudden works burden me..I'm like burning myself!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Endless month~

What should i do what should i say..Life must go on.Although so many things i need to handle now, but i always bear in mind that something happen due to a some reason. That it me who realized it or not..Entering the October, the new month for the endless activities make my body fatigue and brain start functioning well.Huhu..hopefully this month go faster so that i can rest my body n mind a bit longer..

and i noe..smiling is the best medicine..thanks God!! =)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

A very long tedious week begins~

Hmm..wt shud i said bout diz month is so many thing to handle, done & need to complete before undergone final exam..God plz help me..huhu.Due to shortness of times to write a long story telling bout my activities. Here "The List" dat will make my mind clearly wt i'll do for diz week particularly.

Sat (3th Oct 2009)
8am-12pm: Learning process & special needs class (enjoyed d class although some topic might be boring)
4pm: Meeting with central for medical exhibition(MEDEX)
5pm-7pm:Netball class (tired already. legs cramp & hand ache)
8pm-10pm: Goin' out with Suna, Izza, Jaezah,Dayah, Aisya & Yati (yummy2x mkn steamboat)

Sun (4th Oct 2009)
8am-12pm:Netball class continued (very tough part. I need to use all techniques to catch the ball)
12.30pm-2pm: Goin' with Amnah & Kak Syafiah to wedding of brother of amnah fren (Syaz)
5pm-7pm: Again netball class. Late until 7.15pm + cant go inside my room cause i don't bring my room key..Huwaaa

Mon (5th Oct 2009)
9am-12pm: Here come the scary part. Hearing screening at Wisma Sri Pahang (still study for the clinic during diz moment)
12.30pm-1.30pm:Meet Br. Saiful to discuss bout replacement class
3.oopm-4.30pm: Go to Mydin to buy things for MEDEX & I-Quest
6.30pm-7.00pm:Meeting with member of aud bout the MEDEX & I-Quest

Tue (6th Oct 2009)
10am-11am:Meet sis Efa to settle bout equipment to bring for MEDEX. As well as go to ENT clinic to inform the driver of mobile clinic bout the schedule for this wknd.
11.45am-2.30pm: Arrived at Wisma Sri Pahang at start hearing screening
4pm-7pm:Accompany nik amnah to Kemaman (amik bju die yg tertinggal).Hmm sempat buka pose dlm keta
7.15pm: Arrived at Kuantan
8pm-10pm:Nik belanja plak tu.hehe.thanks nik =p

Wed (7th Oct 2009)
9am-12.30pm:Vestibular assessment class
5pm-7pm:Netball class
8.30pm-10.30pm:Aud amplification class

Thus (8th Oct 2009)
9am-12pm:Paediatric aud class
2pm:Appointment with optometrist (getting a new specs)
3pm:Subject for senior research (doing ABR)
5pm-7pm: Again netball class
8.10pm:Break fast with suna & jae at celup..hahaha (kenyang)
8.45pm-9.15pm: Sumthin happen..kak wardah's car couldn't started..ade plak insiden tolak menolak keta tym ni (thanks to classmates yg supportive).Btw, suna hampir eksiden gara2 dpt cal dr izza nk btau location dorg..Sabar byk2 suna (keta bru kot..huhu)
9.30pm-2.00pm: Final task and preparation for MEDEX.Walaupun kami suma penat tp kami enjoy doin' the task.Thanks to everyone yg involved even ade 2 manusia tu sedap gler tdo lgsg xhulurkan pertolongan..Haha jaga la next week dorg tu (ayat nk revenge)

Fri (9th Oct 2009)
10.30am-12.30pm:Research methodolgy class
5.30pm: Go to UIA Gombak for MEDEX

Friday, September 25, 2009

Selamat Hari Lahir Ibu!!

Selamat Hari Lahir Ibu yg ke-42!!

Sepatutnye entry ni ditulis tym besday ibu 25hb September tp sbb tym tu kna tlg kt kdai n xde tenaga nk menaip jd terpaksa extend smpi arini (sbb arini kls cancel..hehe)

Hmm..xsgka cepat je masa berlalu.Dulu2 umur ibu bru je msk 30-an tp skrg dh menjangkau 40-an..Huhu terasa dri ni mkin tua. Yela beza aku ngn umur ibu 20 tahun je.So sng la nk ingt umur ibu tiap2 tahun besday.

Sebab ibu asyk duk ckp je nk buat pulut kuning sempena besday die taun ni. So ktorg adk beradik tunaikan la permintaan ibu.Celebrate skali ngn besday ayah 17hb tu..Siap buat rendang ayam n daging lg..hehe mmg best la

Hehe ske tgk gaya ibu n ayah bergambar.Ayah ni jenis xske amik gmbar tp ibu ske pksa2 amik gmbr skali.So jd cmni la gmbr dorg bersuap pulut kuning.Hahaha...disebalik wajah serius ayah terselit sifat klakarnye yg hanya sape yg perasan..kih3x

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Eid'ul Fitri 2009

tut tap tut tap dah rayer ke lima kn....cepat masa berlalu kan..
ehm actually nk said sowi 2 all of u yg follow blog nih coz x smpat nk wish..
anyway "SElamaT HarI RayE" maap zahir batin ekk...
paham-paham jer la kn pesiapan ari raye nih...
walaupun gembira pada luaran nyer tapi in my deep heart nih rase
sedih coz kte da tinggal kn bulan ramadhan kali nih...
entah smpat ke tak kte betemu lagi bulan ramadhan tahun depan...
diharap dapat bertemu lagi...amin...
kadang kala terfikir jgak cukup ke pengisian ramadhan kali nih...
harap ada penigkatan compare than last-last year...INSYAALLAH...

*ustaz said that there are 2 kinds of Muslim when we want to celebrate Hari Raya...1st is they that feel happy and 2nd is they that feel sad... i think u all kan understand what i mean here...tq...*

for me, i telah mengisi hari raya nih dalam kesederhanaan...
mcm orang lain gak...
ada baju baru, kasut baru n other....
biasa lah setahun sekali nak bergaya...
tak salah pun tapi berpada-pada...
kata orang ukur baju di badan sendiri...
nafsu orang lain-lain...
tambah yang bergelar hawa nih lagi lah ada aje benda nak compare dengan insan bergelar adam nih...faham....9 nafsu tu memang sukar dikawal...

Tahun nih...giliran beraya dekat kampun ayah..kat Tali Air 7,Sekinchan,Selangor...
seronok beraye kat sini coz tengok sawah hijau terbentang luas
hati ni rase sejuk jew...
angin pun sepoi-sepoi bahasa menyusuk ke tulang hitam nih...
Hmm..lg 1 kt kg ni ramai sedara mara xmcm kt Kroh sedara xbpe nk ramai
xbising tp sunyi sbb kt Kroh duk tgh2 pekan..sape la kn nk beraya tmpt cmtu
1st tym tgk rumah baru nenek slps arwah atuk meninggal.. rindu rumah lama yg ade tgga tggi tu
skrg tu suma tggl kenangan..huhu

Anyway, saya syg suma keluarga saya yg dekat ataupn jauh kte suma 1 kluarga
Hargailah masa2 yg bernilai ni bersama keluarga tercinta sbb kte xtau ble lg kte akan bernafas kt dunia ni..Wassalam

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Selamat hari lahir ayah!!

ni masa kecik2 xsmpi setahun umur

Dedicated to my beloved ayah!!!

Even ayah xpnh pn baca blog kakak ni kakak nk jgak wish ayah selamat hari lahir..Huhu cepatnye masa berlalu umur kakak pn mkin meningkat ke 22. Usia ayah pn mkin bertambah. Tahun ni genap 50 tahun umur ayah. Cepatnye masa berlalu sehingga dh separuh abad ayah di atas muka bumi ni..Huhu usia kakak pn xpasti smpi ke x 50 tahun.

To my beloved ayah..kakak doakan ayah pnjg umur n murah rezeki..Harap2 ayah dpt lihat kakak balas segala jerit perih ayah & ibu besarkan kakak selama ni..Love u all damn much!!

p/s: kakak xpndai meluahkan secara berdepan tp gunakan blog smpikan ape yg kakak rasa..

Sunday, September 13, 2009


What happen to me????

Arrgghh..aku mkin kurus. Sepatutnye berat aku mkin bertambah pas sembuh dr demam aritu.Tp ni dh terbalik la plak.Bukan nyr mkin gain weight but lost weight..

Ak sedar ak mkin kurus pn pas blk umh & timbang berat. Huhu..xsgka berat ak boleh menurun smpi ke agka 30+++kg. Sebelum ni pn berat ak maintain je around 40++kg. Kira ok la tu bg aku yg berusaha nk naikkan berat badan ni..

Tp..npe berat aku mkin turun??

Pttla kwn2 aku yg lama xjmpa tegur nape aku mkin kurus..Huhu aku ade masalahkah??Tp rasanya aku xde pape prob pn..


mybe sbb skrg ni bulan pose. Mkn tuk buka pose & sahur je. Mybe sbb tu kurang berat kot + aku ni salu sahur minum air je!! Oops..

Hoho..hopefully berat aku akan bertambah balik pas raya ni. Aku dh xlarat nk dgr org sekeliling ckp aku mkin kurus esp. family aku..Adoi tlgla aku nk tmbah berat kepada normal BMI

p/s: Aku bersyukur nikmat dgn kurniaan tuhan..Alhamdullilah

When i start babblin' =')

Yeah..lastly saat yg ditggu telah tiba. Setelah berhempas pulas menyiapkan kerja2 yg perlu disiapkan di mggu terakhir b4 raya. Akhirnya dpt jgak pulang ke rumah ngn hati yg gembira xterkata (sbb byk sgt bnda yg terjadi dlm mggu tu..huhu sabar2 noni!!)

Hmm..ape lg nk ckp byk sgt yg berlaku last week.Rasa mcm nk ngis + ketawa +kecewa+emosi=noni yg ske marah2..That's wt i get when sumtin reach my patience level.Huh..

Here, d list 4 da whole week that really made me freakin' out:-

1.Isnin (pttnye cuti tuk nuzul quran tp..)
9-10.15am: Exam research methodology yg amatlah mencabar minda n tenaga nk fikir jwapan..Aduiss
3-5pm: Kelas learning process & special skills for special needs..Huk3x mencabar sbb aku kna present aritu tajuk "Theory of memory" (nsb bek boleh jwb soklan dr mastura n madie.walaupn theory psl chaya n bunyi tu cm xde kaitan ngn echoic n cnoic memory pn)

2. Selasa
8-5pm: Clinic's day...Ayyarkk keep fightin' noni!!Bayangkan dr pg ke ptg kt klinik.Dhla berdiri je salu.mmg kna kuat mental n fizikal.Tu blum msk part sesi soal jwn ngn supervisor lg.Adehh cabaran btl
6.30-7.45pm: Erk..buka pose di luar bersama classmates..Ttba terdetik nk blanja dorg.So pas klinik trus order fud kt sekilau.Walaupan abis byk gak la duit sbb blanja 10 perut tp xpela at least 1st eva ktorg iftar bersama2.The main reason is nk mengeratkan hubungan sesama clasmates.Huhu..i wouldn't tell it here.Keep it secret baby

3. Rabu
8.30-12.30pm: Huhu kelas dr aidil yg amtlah pnjg n buat aku lg cepat ngntuk.Dhla smlm tdo kul 3 lebih.Mmg sah2 la ttdo dlm kelas die..huhu sory doc saya ngntuk sgt tp at least sy kt 1st state of sleep bukan deep sleep lg (bak kata doc sndri ahaks)..Haha part praktikal amat jeles ngn roy sbb die dpt tdo ngn nyenyaknye sbb die jd subjek ktorg (jeles2)
2-4pm: Praktikal sis nurlin tuk play audiometry.Byk new info ttg test ni.Everythin was good. I'm really enjoyed

4. Khamis
9-12.30pm: Arrrgghh.. da day is come. I'm the 1st presenter of the day entitle "Down syndrome & relation to hearing loss"..Huhu pttnye present 10min je pastu Q& A bout 5 min. But im not realized dh terover limit.Rupanye info yg ptt present skit je but i like sis nurlin said ' you're very good to make an extra effort to doing such thing" (tq sis..luv u)
2-5pm: Ptt ad klinik ptg ni td cancel sbb patient cancel appointment ptg tu..Huhu pastu p window shopping lg ngn nik n aten.Xbeli pape pn juz windowing je..haha ape la ayat tu..Tym jln2 tu dh terfikir dh.Aduss mati ak report proposal MEDEX lgsg xusik lg..msti azuwan dh bising2 ni
6-8pm: Ade iftar tp ak ponteng sbb nk siapkan proposal nyr psl..mkin xselera ak nk mkn ble duk fikir mende la ak nk buat..huhu 1st tym jd s/u program bru tau rasa terseksa.Nsb bek izza ada contoh proposal dlu2.Bolehla dpt idea ape nk buat.
10-3am: Adoi ingt boleh tdo awl mlm ni tp byk gak menda len nk kna setelkan.Berusaha la ak scan segala handouts hearing aids tuk report nt.Mata ni ngntuk gler tp sbb keje kna setelkan mlm ni gak..The gud thing was "proposal dh siap..Yeah!!

Hehe hari yg ditggu telah tiba. Ade kelas research pg n ptg cover tdo puas2 sbb mggu ni mmg xckup tdo..
Yea2x..letter tuk minta mobile clinic pn dh antar n rasa hepi gler suma bnda setel on aku boleh enjoy raya ni puas2 kt umh..Huk3x but till there are a lot to do after raya break. However, juz be happy with my family for hari raya!!!

p/s: jgn dikejar bnda yg xpasti tp dakaplah kebahagian di depan mata!!!luv u mom & dad

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ramdhan kareem as we welcome it!!

Hehe..i shud happy to post diz entry. However, due to my internal problem with so many thin' to settle before going back raya i'm lil' bit 30 days of fasting become lesser and lesser day by day. I felt like 'why time passing by faster than what we tot?'
Huhu, without realized or not today is the 19th of ramdhan meaning that the is only 11 days to fast. So fast but i'm not happy with it.
Anyway..thanks to my friends that inviting me to break fast together at several places. I love u all so much. Special thanks to aida,izza, suna, jae,dayah,kak long (rohilah) and my classmates.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Last year vacation

Location:Pulau Perhentian, Terengganu
Purpose:Family vacation..yeah

Hmm..ttba rasa nk upload pic tym ktorg on vacation kt pulau perhentian..Best sgt2 tempat ni.Cari nk p ke sana dr Jeti Kuala Berang (kalau xsilap la dh lupa..huhu) naik ot lebih kurang 45 min bru smpi ke pulau ni.Huhu ombak jgn ckpla amat dhsyat, so make sure jgn pkai high heels tym ni..Bukan ape sbb dlu tym ak p ad mak ck ni merungut lenguh2 kaki coz pkai high heels.cian kn.. ='(.Malas nk cte pnjg2 tgkla pic ktorg tym kt sana.. =)

Ni tym bu smpai jeti n tggu bot ke p.perhentian..suma excited
Ni tmpt ktorg tggl.. ape ek nama die?
Muka bdk2 excited sampai ke pulau & bergambar b4 snorkellin'
Here we go..snokellin' (my fav activities)
Nampak ikan yg berwarna-warni dr atas bot..cantiknye
Kami bersnorkellin'..huhu tp tym ni ak dh muntah2 mabuk laut kot.rugi xsmpt tgk tmpt penyu..better nxt tym kuatkan stamina.huhu..


Somethin happen 5 months before.My mom's foot got broken due to small accident at our restaurant..She undergone minor operation and took about 2 months to recover. The luck was i'm at home during the accident.Thus, i took my dad place to look after my mom when mom in the ward.. Hmmm..first time ever i stayed at hospital for 5 days..

p/s:I hate hospital so much..but i have to deal with it..huh so difficult (@_@)

My beloved family eva~

Alhamdulillah..finally i managed to launh my own blog.After several months viewing & looking through my frens blog i finally decided to create my own blog. So funny huh because before this i always said i wouldn't create my own blog because i'm lazy to stay in front of laptop for several times but because of my mode right now and so much happen recently i changed my mind..Now i realized blogging is far my new obsession..

Talking bout my family, i luv them so much. They are always in my heart & soul..cause stdying so far from them make my heart grown stronger when they all gave their support & spread their love to me..Huhu i miss them damn much.. I miss my ibu, ayah, kak ngah, adk mohd, adik hasif and tok..