Friday, April 22, 2011

Such a tough times but priceless experience~


Hari ini hari sabtu bersamaan 23 April 2011..Alhamdulillah suma exam sudah habis 21hb lg..cuma keputusan exm clinic & viva bru dpt smlm...Syukur dgn keputusan yg dpt even x la pass suma (nada sedih tp sedar slh sndri xstdy psl hearing aids...dushhh2x tmpar pipi sndri)

Hmm..mmg dh terasa kna repeat viva even akak senior, kwn2 n adk bg smgt ckp insyaAllah ak akan pass dgn cemerlang..buwekkk ak sndri yg rasa sebenarnya ak xmampu pass viva..betul la rasa hati tu tak boleh nk tipu..biar org ckp cmne pn kita sndri yg rasa semua tu..

Sebenarnya kalau ak rajin nk je ak cerita suma psl viva thesis defense, exm clinic, viva clinic..hihi bknnya apa..nk simpan sebagai kenangan..mana la tau 10 taun ni baca blk entry2 ni teringt gelak sorg2 pastu ckp dlm diri teruknya dulu npe xjwb cmtu npe xbuat cmni..haha ppl always like dats..once they do a mistakes and realized it after that, they improved a lot actually..senang ckp apa yg jadi skrg ni pasti ada ak redha kna repeat kna blk lewat lg 2, 3 hari..apa la sgt if nk compare dgn ilmu yga kutip bila stdy blk suma2 notes clinic..ak mmg confiden pasni dpt jwb ngn cemerlang..tggu 5/5/2011 ya!!!

Hmm..skrg ni dlm proses membetulkan thesis..x byk sgt pn dh ni..after one week dh boleh antar & bind hardcover..owh xsabar tggu saat2 itu!!harus upload pic thesis berkaler hijau tua tu MESTI!!!so doakan ak dpt siapkn correction dlm masa 5 hari (target awal dr 7 hari) sbb pastu ak nk pulun stdy notes psl audiology...eventhough lecturer ckp viva lg sush dr repeat clinic + viva..ak lg hepi dr buat blk clinic..skrg ni suma bergantung jepada kepakaran ak menjawab & ilmu yg harus stdy suma yg ada kaitan psl audiology..

Ok then, wish me luck ppl!!!
"I never give up coz in life there is always a route to success..
once failed doesn't means u always a loser"

*pic credit to Google*
I wanna go there 1 day..sitting at the edge cliff and looking down the deep mountain even though i got hypsophobia

p/s:Sgt gembira skrg..thanks Allah 4 ur mercy and happiness~~

Monday, April 18, 2011



Mahu bercerita mcm2 kisah namun masa cepat sgt berlalu..owh harap2 memori tuk kisah2 tersebut terpahat kemas dlm memori ini..

Will update soon after finish everything insyaAllah

MODE:Ada viva thesis defense & clinical exam!!!chaiyok3x

p/s:hihi..sebak cmpur hiba

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A zakat assistance during study?!


Alhamdulillah i had gained my effort to start tidy up my things and done packaging stuff which are no more useful to me...actually there is a lots and i managed to tidy one part of it..yeah do a work little by little help me to organize my time well (see..i didn't study since last ppr coz i bz doing anything that not related to exm...OMG)

So today, i look all the notes during my fourth years study and arrange it into filing system..haha i feel happy my room have a lots of space compared to before..if i know that i will bring unused stuff when i went home each semester..yeah loser again!!!

Hmm..while i browsed my notes i just found sumtin that make my heart trembling for's just a small piece of paper describing about what i need to write in financial assistance for zakat during my study..those paper was written by ***** (u noe who my ex actually)..i cannot deny he is very kind in term of helping me a lots in my 1st yr here.He's the one that help me to apply for JPA and zakat assistance..yeah i still remember those tym he help me out..but now, for me to go back to him it's IMPOSSIBLE..coz we're not means to be together with different path..Up till now, i didn't blame him although he had stabbed my back so painfully.ok enaf about the past~

I just wanna share an essay he wrote in order for me to get zakat..haha funny said but i think his written english is excellent compared to his zero attitude~

::The essay as below::

My father is an army pensioner. He receives only RM*** per month from the pension. With that amount of money, he needs to support all his 4 childrens who are still studying including me myself. Besides all of my siblings, my father also need to support my mother and grandmother (take note:my mom have restraunt but didn't mentioned there..haha).My grandmother lives with us and she suffer fro multiple sicknesses (this is pretty grandma alhamdulillah until now only have gastric prob). The total expenses for all of my siblings amounting to RM *** (this amount is higher than my father's salary..damn). Thus, my father cannot afford ti give money for my expenses (ok ni tipu sgt kot..)

I have to support myself with my own scholarship. However, most of my scholarship is used to pay university fees, buy expensive academic books, pay for notes. Besides that, I need to spent a pretty amount of money for completing all my assignments. The recent fuel price hike does really effect my living cost as a student. Receiving the same amount of money from the scholarship as before the fuel price hike, I need to pay extra for everything. The price for everything has been increasing continously since the fuel conflict. The worldwide food crisis does also affect me as I need to pay a really higher food price everyday. Thus, i need extra money to support my living here. Hence, I have alot of problem in financing my study and to support my living expenses.

Finally, I really hope that my application for zakat assistance is approved so that I could have a peace and harmony living as a student without any financial problem. Financial problem had really affect my focus to study since the first year I studied here.Thank you (this is the part i blame him coz i don't have prob to focus in study due to money prob..hate this part)

That's all from the essay..hmm thanks again coz with that essay i got zakat assistance for 1 semester..rm800 quite a lot of money for student like me..hahahaha

p/s:No turning back..yeah i look onwards!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Kuat makan atau makan kuat??


Alhamdulillah sudah hampir selesai semuanya..hanya tggl sedikit saja lg ujian tuk menghabiskn sesi akhir semester di tahun 4 ini..Terasa begitu lama jari ini tidak menaip di blog tersayang..sorry if i'm abandon u for a couple of days..sesunggahnya mcm2 perkara terjadi sepanjang 2 mggu ni..tgk la klu rjin ak cerita semua klu x ak cite skit2 je...hahaha pemalas sgguh
(tp snanya bkn mls byk komitmen lain yg lebih pnting harus disiapkn dulu)

Hmm..written ppr exm sudah habis 6hb aritu..kint tggl practical exm and viva thesis defense pada 20hb dan 21hb ada gap yg jauh ye..kwn2 suma pulang ke rumah..ak nk blk gak tp cm rugi je 16hb ada allied dinner tuk kami senior2..sush2 je nk pth blk plak..leceh btl bila nk naik bas jauh2 tbahlah xblk umah..hihi tp sudah disiapkn plan tuk habiskn mggu ini..harap2 tiada aral melintang..dh 2x plan kn p sana tp xjd..kali ini harapnya jadilah..plan apa nt la ak btau..plan apa???nt la ak btau..nk wt SUPRISE skit..hahahahaaa (gelak jahat)

Haha..melalut lg..owh tidak bgus sikap melalut ini sikap yg membuang masa (maklumlah dh nk keja masa tu kena jga)..hahaha layan la pic mkanan2 yg bg ak bkn saja rasa best dipandang bahkan enak tuk xleh la nk lwn sama itu pic neyna yg mkn merata2 tmpt..suma tmpt yg ak sebut dia p..(ngis di disitu siap tag lg ak kt fb..huhuhu)

Ok cukup merepek smpai 2 paragraph..bab merepek mmg no 1..
hmm entry kali ini ak nk tnjuk pic mknan2 yg ak mkn spnjang berada 3 hari di KL..Suma gara2 sbbnk interview kt shah alam kna la p KL tumpang umah mk ck kt sunway...thanks to my beloved cousins yg sggup tlg antar, amik ak p mana2..huhu tsk tsk (terharu)

::Mari2 lihat gmbr mknan yg smpt ak snap sebelum di ngap (x senonoh sila jgn ikut)::

Ni la dessert plg ak suka mkn..even ak ni sush nk mkn durian tp bila wt cmni ak suka plak..musykil ngn dri sndri..nama dessert ni Durian pancake.. marvelous taste coz it mixed with whipped cream n cheese spread with choc..wahhh!!!licin mkn~

ak xnk maik set sbb kenyang lg..pdhal mkn nasi lemak skit je n buah jmbu dlm namanya soy tofu with mango sos..sedap sgt..sejuk2 mkn bnda cmni dh la selsema n demam xhilang lg tym ni..iskh3x

ni mknan nina kt Sweetchat..pnh mkn dulu skali kt sini..dia amik set tropical punch, bubur cha2 versi buah and spagehti black peppper (sedap)

yeah!!!domino's pizza finally dpt rasa gak..ak amik meat manis and chicken pepperoni..yg sebelah kiri skali tu banana kaya (sedap gak) and onion ring with butter n cheese

hmm..xsmpt nk amik pic ayam penyet
snap menu je sbb lapar sgt dh..

wah meriah mkn ayam penyet sbb org blnja..
hehe terima kasih..sedap sgt lauk tu..nxt tym leh mkn lg kn..

p/s:buat entry psl mkn..pdahal dh tghari apa pn xmkn lg..huhu~

Monday, April 4, 2011



In the midst of final exam..i felt really miserable..
huhu sorry mom if i cannot talk with u longer than usual plus sucks internet connection.
.i noe u always prays for my best!!!

p/s:Dear heart be strong for tomorrow exm~